The Mountain, the Truth and the Paradise

informació obra

Pep Aymerich, Pep Ramis Il·luminació, August Viladomat – Punt de Fuga
Fanny Thollot
Direcció Musical:
Fanny Thollot
Xavier Pérez
Pep Ramis, Mal Pelo
Lali Ayguadé
Jordi Oriol

The Mountain, the Truth and the Paradise és un punt d’inflexió. Un solo de Pep Ramis, de la companyia Mal Pelo, nascut amb l’objectiu de construir una ficció molt personal, de posar al dia l’experiència acumulada i, alhora, d’investigar alguns temes d’interès actual: l’espiritualitat, la tragèdia de la condició humana i la capacitat de continuar investigant mons possibles. Una mirada particular i plena d’humor que potencia el moviment i la precisió del gest.

Crítica: The Mountain, the Truth and the Paradise


Heavy words lightly thrown

per Alx Phillips

In this age of heavy words lightly thrown, the excellent dance-theatre troupe Mal Pelo offer a beautifully-wrought farce, a caustic yet sincere solo, performed by Pep Ramis, that counts on the input of playwright and theatre director Jordi Casanovas and French/Catalan physical theatre troupe Baró d'evel.
Through 60 minutes we follow Ramis on his spiritual journey through the clichéd frostings of multiple religions. Meanwhile, an abusive relationship between human being and landscape emerges, the abstract fancies of imagination versus forgotten real world values.
The sensorially masterful piece is scattered with literary or biblical influences that blow about intimidatingly - yet unobtrusively. It is the image of dust that predominates, although here even the nature of that is in doubt. It coats the stage: delightful like snow, suffocating like smoke, excitable, as the critic Roberto Fratini put it, like the residue of an Alka Seltzer. It offers no resistance or comfort and is rapidly worn down by the pale carbon footprint of the wanderer-dancer, more involved in conversation with 'the god' (or himself).
A quote cited on the pamphlet is that of The Waste Land, TS Eliot's strange poem: "I will show you fear in a handful of dust." A reflection on value that is perhaps at the heart of the piece; the fear of losing something almost worthless, while something of extraordinary value is being lost.